Message from the President of Asia Chapter
Welcome to the Kentucky Colonel Asia Chapter!
We are thrilled to extend a warm welcome to all individuals who share our passion for honoring outstanding contributions to society, community, culture, and charitable endeavors in the Asian region. As an esteemed chapter dedicated to upholding the values and mission of the Kentucky Colonel, we invite you to join us in recognizing and celebrating the remarkable achievements of individuals who embody the spirit of service and philanthropy. Whether you are a social entrepreneur, volunteer, artist, business leader, or simply someone committed to making a positive impact, we invite you to be part of our community. Together, we can inspire others to engage in charitable activities, promote cultural exchange, and work towards building a more compassionate and inclusive society. Join us on this meaningful journey as we strive to make a difference in the Asian region and beyond. Your involvement and support are invaluable as we continue to uphold the prestigious legacy of the Kentucky Colonel and honor those who make a difference in the world. Thank you for being a part of the Kentucky Colonel Asia Chapter. Together, we can create a brighter future filled with kindness, generosity, and meaningful contributions to society. Warm regards, 歡迎來到美國肯塔基榮譽上校-亞洲分會! 我們於 2024年1月17日 正式成立, 致力於在亞洲地區推廣肯塔基榮譽上校的價值觀和使命。作為美國肯塔基州州長頒授的最高榮譽勛章,肯塔基榮譽上校旨在表彰對國家、社區、文化和慈善事業做出卓越貢獻的人士。 我們的分會將致力於推薦和表揚在亞洲地區具有卓越慈善、社區服務和文化貢獻的人士,並通過這一榮譽勛章來鼓勵更多人投入公益事業。無論您是一位社會企業家、志願者、藝術家還是企業家,只要您致力於改善社會、促進文化交流和支持慈善事業,我們都歡迎您加入我們的行列。 透過肯塔基榮譽上校-亞洲分會,我們希望能夠凝聚更多亞洲地區的力量,共同致力於建設更美好的社會和世界。請關注我們的官方網站以獲取更多相關資訊和最新動態。讓我們攜手合作,共同實現社會公益和文化交流的目標! 感謝您對肯塔基榮譽上校-亞洲分會的支持和關注!讓我們一同努力,為亞洲地區的發展和進步作出更多積極貢獻。 |